Respect to u,like u,love u, its a wonderful journey with u here ur support helped me a lot to forgot my past i'm feeling happy and i'm lucky to having u as my friend.... so i jus wana say THANK YOU... happy day my friend
The recipe of frndshp: 1 cup of sharing.2 cups of caring.3 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these 2gether 2 make frnds 4ever.. Life ends whn u stop drming, hope ends whn u stop believing & frndshp ends whn u stop caring. So drm, hope & frndshp...Makes Life Beautiful
'we are all beautiful.. For we’re all God’s wonderful creature.. He made some big and some small.. Some are young and some are old.. Some are white and some are black.. Some are short and some are tall.. No matter where you come from too.. Whatever the colour of your hair and eyes.. Or the shape of your head and nose.. God made it so and we are all beautiful.. We’re made in God’s image- that’s cool.. Whichever language you do speak.. It doesn’t even matter what you look like.. God loves you for ‘we are all beautiful!’ thanx God we are human being..thats why we feel a wonderful feelings and know..what is friendship..keep smiling.. 4 you my friend with hugs