">http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/282279_356739014417612_2131208807_n.jpg" border="0"/> I want a cute, long relationship where everyone says? _ Damn..they're still together....!! _ ? ">http://im13.gulfup.com/j8fm1.gif" border="0"/> ">http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c120.0.403.403/p403x403/644100_356417847783062_1720457545_n.jpg" border="0"/> I want to live in Ur eyes not as a dream but as a sight, I want to live in Ur mind not as an idea but as a memory, I want to live in Ur heart not as blood but as a beat, I want to live in Ur body not as a soul but as a feeling, I want to live in Ur life not as your lover but as a Reason of living......??????? ">http://im13.gulfup.com/j8fm1.gif" border="0"/> ">http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/c77.0.403.403/p403x403/185028_355167371241443_762968554_n.jpg" border="0"/> Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end....!!! ">http://im13.gulfup.com/j8fm1.gif" border="0"/> ">http://im20.gulfup.com/Dc1Y1.jpg" border="0"/> my heart is made 2 luv u, my lips are made to kis u, my eyes r made 2 see u, my hands r made 2 hold u ..... evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!! ">http://im13.gulfup.com/j8fm1.gif" border="0"/> ">http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/c97.0.403.403/p403x403/222424_357221127702734_303937715_n.jpg" border="0"/> No matter how far apart we are we will always be under the same sky.........!!? ?! ">http://im13.gulfup.com/j8fm1.gif" border="0"/> Reply
هل تريدين أن يزيد رصيد سيئاتك كل ساعة أكثر من 60 سيئة؟؟ الأمر بسيط جداً وسهل للغاية... ضع في توقيعك أو صورتك الشخصية في المنتدى او غير المنتدى او ساعد بنشر صورة لفتاة متبرجة او مقطع اغاني . تفتن كل من ينظر إليها.. فيحمل وزر هذه النظرة.... وتشاركه أنت في الوزر.. إلى اليوم القيامة.. فلو رأي هذه الصورة او استمع شخص واحد كل دقيقة كسبت سيئة كل دقيقة الى ان تقوم الساعة .. فكيف تالقى الله وانت مثقل بالذنوب فاتقي يومن ترجع فيه الى الله