I want U 2 miss me wen U think of me, kiss me wen I'm there. Hold me like I'm you're everything, twiddle your fingers in my hair. Have a lovely dae n keep smilin
Boy : I love your Smile Girl : I love my smile too but why do you love it? Boy : I love it because I love seeing you happy ... why do you love it ? Girl : Because you are the reason for it... Keep smiling & take care
There is Always a Reason for Everything A Reason to Live A Reason to Die A Reason to Cry But If you cant Find a Reason to Smile. Then Can I be the Reason for a While?
There is Always a Reason for Everything A Reason to Live A Reason to Die A Reason to Cry But If you cant Find a Reason to Smile. Then Can I be the Reason for a While?
~~~~~~ FRIEND meanS nO asKing" ** FRIEND meaNs No rEaSoninG" ** FRIEND mEans ju$t Believing" & "FRIEND" Is That Who Never Believe In LAST 3 älphabet$ øF "FriENd".... ~~~~~ ____gØØd áfTerNøøN _____