I BACK">http://sewar.panet.co.il/images/2011/06/11/thankyoubo.jpg" border="0"/> THANK YOU">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WhH2-d08-ow/TPOcv8O3fqI/AAAAAAAAABE/_1Z1uDcg3-I/s1600/friend12312035887583076.jpg" border="0"/> MY FRIENDS">http://www.animalpictures.tk/wp-content/uploads/pictures/cat-pictures-wallpaper-726.jpg" border="0"/> ELAMERAL
What counts... >Is not the colour of your skin But the colour of your character. >Is not the language that you speak. But the words that you use. >Is not where you live But how you live. >Is not how much you earn But what you do to earn it. >Is not that you are a human being But the kind of human being you are... So never try to be a man of success rather try to be a man of value...!!!