Teri khamoshi or udasi ki wajah hum samajh na sake ae dost, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wo to sham ko teri mummy ne bataya k teri chapal se pitai hui thi...
Universal Truth v Learnt:- . "Sun Rises In The East" . Fact:- "Sun Neither Rises Nor Sets, Only Earth Rotates.!" . Moral:- "Education Spoils Our Commonsense"
Examiner-ye kaun si bird hai? iski tang dekh kr btao? Student-mujhe nhi pta. Examinr-tum fail ho gye ho, what is ur name? Student-le meri taang dekh kr likh le. keep smiling
Jaldi T.V. On karo NEWS dekho..! Jaldi...!! . 'KATRINA' has been hospitalised. . . . . . Actually she proposed me & i said "NO" Bas zaher kha liya, Ekdum Pagal h. keep smiling sirji
hI kAlpAnA 'GOD iS aLwAyS plAyiNg chEsS witH uS. HE mAkEs mOvEs iN oUr LIFE & thEn sitS bAcK tO sEe hOw wE rEaCt to thE CHALLENGES. So mAkE thE bESt mOvEs aLwAyS...!! HavE WoNdErfuL EvEniNg
">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9156/9156.jpg" border="0"/> Is aNyboDy oUt tHerE? It fEelS likE.. I’m tAlkiN tO mYsElf.. No onE sEemS tO kNoW.. mY strAgglE.. ANd EvEryThiNg I cOmE fRoM.. CaN aNybOdy hEaR mE? Is thErE aNyonE oUt thErE.. wHo fEEls thE wAy I feeL.. ThAt thErE iS thEn LEt mE iN aNd LEt mE kNoW I’m... nOt thE oNly onE...' miSSing yOu lAyiNg oN mY bEd.. Yes..miSSing yOu..mY dEaR frienD.. ">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9134/9134.jpg" border="0"/> sWeEt niGhT tO yOu
'PaSt iS ExpEriEncE! PrEsEnT iS ExPeRimEnt! FuTurE iS ExpEctAtiOn! UsE uR ExpEriEncE iN uR eXpeRimEnt tO aChiEvE uR eXpEctAtioSs! HAvE a NicE dAy tHaNx 2 rEplyiNg..NiCe sAyiNg
'bE uR selF n SmilE, nEvEr bE 2 ScAReD 2 shoW uR sofE sidE… whO KnOw, maybE wheN u smilE, aT thaT vErY SeconD, u caN CaRvE iT righT iN2 a bEaUTifuL hEarT thaT wilL lovE u 4 alL EteRNitY… rEmEmbEr thE bEsT thingS iN lifE r PricElEsS jusT likE a smilE…' YoU">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal10.gif" border="0"/>YoU TalkativEhE">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal31.jpg" border="0"/>hE likE girlShuntedExaM">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal80.gif" border="0"/>ExaM startR sooN..doN disturBDangErouS">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal87.jpg" border="0"/>DangErouS lovEComparE">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal94.gif" border="0"/>ComparE thEsE 2 imagEs..choicE iS yourSthE">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal92.gif" border="0"/>thE rEsulT oF mEssagE iS...">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal93.jpg" border="0"/> oK.. SwEEt slEEp..elEctriC drEamS..whaT caN i dO noW
'LivE lifE tO thE fullesT causE yoU neveR knoW yoU mighT diE tomorroW, lovE youR familY & friendS, cherisH youR lifE thanK youR parentS foR bringinG yoU intO thiS worlD anD thanK tO GoD tO givinG yoU lifE. AlwaY'S tryinG tO smilE witH uR neaR anD deaR one'S coZ thatS bringinG yoU lifE intO uR lifE smilinG dream'S tO yoU... mY deaR frienD nice feeling..who's the lucky don angry.. ok ok i'm going