Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 10 years ago
Themero desde: 16 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: watford
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 53

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es un Secreto
Modelo de Movil: huawei ascend
Operador de Movil: vodafone
Ocupación: branch assistant
Compañias: adi, gardiner
Escuela: sir james altham
Me gusta: tv, relaxing, and going out with friends
Odio: loud and boring people
Música Favorita: soul and jazz funk, motown, soft rock
Peliculas Favoritas: any of the rocky films, any comedy films
Libros Favoritos: lord of the rings, tom clancey rainbow six
Famosos Favoritos: david beckham, eddie murphy and jennifer aniston
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the coach: it takes a bit more to make a champion.

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Sobre Mi

i'm an ex england and gb international gridiron player who after 18seasons was injured and had to retire but i'm now coaching 5 goalkeeper's for my local semi pro soccer team i also play on sundays for the vets team that is associated with the club
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