A warm hello doesn’t come from the lips, It comes from the heart, Doesn’t have to be told, It has to be shown, Doesn’t have to be given, It has to be sent., Good Morning’
“We may easily forget d people with whom v laughed n enjoyed. But,”v cant 4get those people wit whom v cried n shared our feelings.its true. /\”””””””””\ | |,;*”G”*;,| /\”””””””””\ | |,;*”ö”*;,| /\”””””””””\ | |,;*”ö”*;,| /\”””””””””\ | |,;*”D”*;,| ,;*”*;,,;*”*;,,;*”*;, *,;*Evening*;,* ___)(___)(___)(___) Have a Nice Evening.
Distance never separate any relation.. Time never build any relation.. If feelings r true from heart.. Then friends r always friends 4ever. GOOD EVENING FRIEND
Very little is needed2have a happy Life. it is all within yourself. in ur ways of thinking. No matter what u do, do it with L0VE in ur HEART… Gud morning .. my sweet friend