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Whether you cherish the journey is only one-way ticket. . . Do not be too care about the difficulties of life, which are the teachings on human life will love is the soul of the people on both sides of the pages as well, one side is happy, one side is a worry; side is bitter, sweet side. . . The one with the way I lost the pain in living in black and white silhouette. . . The unity of virtue and love how happy the soul that in order to live happy, we should believe that the possibility of happiness, whether in day or night, there are two different colors of the world, as there are two different people to reduce the universe to only one person, the only one expansion to the universe, this is the simple love of life, memory, than the most quiet. . . Black and white photos can always bring you the most simple but profound in the strongest sense of mood memorable. . .

无论你是否珍惜,人生旅途只有单程票...别太计较人生的甘苦,那都是生活对人的教诲 会爱的人,才是有灵魂的人 幸福就像书页的两面,一面是喜,一面是忧;一面是苦,一面是甜...那一个迷失的我带着一路的疼痛,在黑白的剪影里活着...德行与爱合一的灵魂该是多么幸福 为了要活得幸福,我们应当相信幸福的可能 无论是在白天或黑夜,世界都有两个不同的面目,为着两种不同的人存在 把宇宙缩减到唯一的一个人,把唯一的一个人扩张到宇宙,这才是爱 人生的简单,记忆中最恬静的莫过于...黑白照片总是能带给你最简单却最强烈的感觉 意境深远回味无穷...

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