love898  留言板 (4) 留言

13 年前
Girl: We are best friends, right? Boy: Yes, of course. Girl: So be honest with me, who do you like? Boy: No one. I love someone. Girl: Oh, she must be very lucky.. Boy: Definitely. I've loved her, ever since I met her. Girl: Really? Well, since we're best friends, I wanna meet her. Go call her. Boy: Oh okay. *Boy takes out his phone,dials her number and phones her..* Girl: Wait, hold on I think I'm getting a call. *Answers the phone* Boy: I love you
13 年前
A Girl asked Her Boyfriend: Girlfriend: Why do you Love Me ??Boyfriend: I have no Reason..!(GF didnt Like It 'n say) No...,Give Me a Reason..BF: Ohkay...'Coz you're Beautiful, Caring 'n Attractive..!*Girl was Satisfied, Then One day She got Sick, 'n Look Terribly Thin, Pale 'n Weak... Girlfriend: Do you still Love Me ??Boyfriend: Now that you're not Pretty 'n Attractive; do I have a Reason to Love you ??:O *Girl Cried..:'( The Boy hold Her Hand 'n say: "Now you Understand ??Love doesn't Need Reasons..! I Love You 'n still Love you..♥No_matter_what_Happens..♥"
13 年前
WhEn I'm CrYiNg, AnD SoMeOnE HuGs Me, It MaKeS Me CrY EvEn MoRe
13 年前
If LOVE is not a GAME then why are there so many PLAYERS?
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