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Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

itslaura Guestbook

safo925  (9 years ago)
HappY ValentinE
safo925  (9 years ago)
HaPpY FrIdAy LaUrA
safo925  (9 years ago)
How r u ?
How was ur day ?
safo925  (9 years ago)
GooD NighT LaurA
TheLastBoyOnEARTH  (9 years ago)
10 impossible thingsss.
1. you can't say the letter m
without touching your lips

2 lick your elbow.

3. sneeze with your eyes
4. tickle yourself.

5. put your fist in your

6. to just eat one potato chip.

7. to look at your crush's
facebook just once.
8. its impossible to never be

9. its impossible to think justin
beiber is ugly.

10. its impossible to
completely trust someoneee.
Lazu9  (9 years ago)
hi laura..
have a nice day btw..
TheLastBoyOnEARTH  (9 years ago)
{Image} the shape of your lipstick can tell lot about you..
Lazu9  (9 years ago)
good morning...
have a beautiful day..
johnken20  (9 years ago)

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