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xdeadR00m7x Guestbook

WacKyR0nNie  (13 years ago)
haVe A FuN,r0ckiNg dAy h0pe ThAt Y0U arE FiNE
daqx  (13 years ago)


"I accept you as you are"
"I believe you are valuable"
"I care when you are hurt"

"I desire only what is best for you"
"I erase all offenses."

There is nothing shallow about authentic love.
Nor it is magic wand we whip out and wave over a problem with whoosh, hoping all the pain will go away

Real love has staying power. It is tough.
It refuses to look for ways to run away.
It always opt for working through
I doesn't cop out because the sea gets stormy and rough
While the world around gives the opposite counsel

Spread love

God bless

WacKyR0nNie  (13 years ago)
have a niCe,SweeT dAy
WacKyR0nNie  (13 years ago)
haVe A co0O0o0L,fUN,sWeeT,r0CkING mORninG
daqx  (13 years ago)
“Seasons change, friends move away,some stays and life goes on from day to day.
Flowers fade and streams go dry and many times we wonder why.

Yet we can always be assured because God tells us in His Word, that unlike changes in the weather...

LOVE goes on and last”

God bless

WacKyR0nNie  (13 years ago)
KeeP sMiLiNg
WacKyR0nNie  (13 years ago)
haVe A FuN,r0ckiNg dAy h0pe ThAt Y0U arE FiNE
WacKyR0nNie  (13 years ago)
HaPpY VaLenTiNe Day
daqx  (13 years ago)

We often think of what really love means is..
In this complicated world we are sometimes wondering the mystery of what it brings..
Nor lot of times we are mislead by our own feelings without thinking..

Love is flexible, it take things
in stride, and can handle
whatever comes its way.
It is ready to give others the benefit of the doubt and
looks for the best in them.

It never runs out of patience.
It's not selfish and often thinks of others than selves..
It never fails..

There are hundreds of phrase that tells about it,
but do we try asking ourselves
how far can we go in the name of love?

May your heart be filled with love at all times

Take care

God bless


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