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Zanaz80 Guestbook

Khan77728  (11 years ago)
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I've never met a friend as nice and as true as you we fight and we forgive that's what true friends do.I love you friends I love you all you catch me when I fall so I shall do the same for my true friends all who catch me when I fall.
Zanaz80  (11 years ago)
Thk q n Hye
Panni9  (11 years ago)
hi :-))
damodar54  (11 years ago)
GOD is so wise, he didn't create FRIENDS with price tags because if He did, I couldn't afford YOU!!! Happy Friendship Day !

Crazy days and screwed up nights,

Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,

Secrets we will take to the grave,

Pictures we will forever save.

Through thick and thin,

Always true.

Friends forever,

Me n U






Khan77728  (11 years ago)
A Good morning creates a Good mood; A Good mood creates Good work; A Good work creates a Good day; A Good day makes you Happy and your Happiness makes me Happy!

Khan77728  (11 years ago)
Best lines by a best friend: 'It hurts me wen u talk to s0me0ne else n n0t me.. .. it hurts even m0re wen s0me1 else makes u smile n i can't . . .'

Timowem64  (12 years ago)
Hi, honey
zizo202  (12 years ago)
sweetheart13  (12 years ago)

maruf794  (12 years ago)

WhEn yOu FaLL In LOvE WiTh sOmEoNe,
DoN’T ThInK JuSt sTaRt eNjOyInG It.
BeCaUsE AfTeR SoMe tImE.
yOu wIlL NoT Be iN PoSiTiOn tO EnJoY AnYtHiNg...

{Image} {Image}

WhEn yOu aRe hApPy…
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe mOsT …
wHeN YoU ArE SaD….
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHo LovEs yOu tHe mOsT …

{Image} {Image} {Image}

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