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Idea for Valentine Days

evans2727 Guestbook

Neal111  (12 years ago)

Enlighten your Heart with LOVE

Friends Forever

You R like a beautiful Moon for me, i always know u r there but can never touch u

Keep Smilin Moon

Neal111  (12 years ago)

Enlighten your Heart with LOVE

Friends Forever

You R like a beautiful Moon for me, i always know u r there but can never touch u

Keep Smilin Moon

whitewine  (12 years ago)

lOvE iS likE a balloOn, it goes higher and higher once let free

but if it pOps, yOur friEnds arE thErE tO catch yOu

havE a lOvEly day

takEcarE whitEwinE
Chelosan  (12 years ago)
Im a student then working @ fast f0od chain. . You kn0w jollibee?
333968  (12 years ago)

● Happy-Enjoy your day -Take care ●

whitewine  (12 years ago)

lOvE iS aLL arOund yOu

tOday aNd EvEryday

EnjOy yOur day , aNd makE timE tO dO whatEvEr makEs yOu haPpy

havE a coOl day

333968  (12 years ago)

jam1420  (12 years ago)

i think when your young youre hoping...hoping that this person will be the right one...
The one youre going to be inlove with forever,but sometimes you want that so much create something that isn't really there...


goodeve hon
whitewine  (12 years ago)

Hello !!! sweety

Hope you are doing well

Have a good day

Take care


Chelosan  (12 years ago)
Quite busy . Because of being a working student .

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