Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 12 years ago
Themero desde: 17 years ago
Genero: Femenino
Edad: 39

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es complicado
Modelo de Movil: 6680
Operador de Movil: smart
Escuela: addu
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faylo: goOd girls are bad girLs that don't get caught

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

- m patient but doesn't want to be kept waiting..

- m super bait but cud b d complete opposite wen
i get mad..

- m a HOME BUDDY person but u can also see me

- m a SHY type of person but has d capacity to
break ur eardrums..

- m a SILENT type of person but can cause a long
catastrophe wen i laugh..

- m a "small" cutie pie girl but has made a big
impact on others' lives..SMALL BUT TERRIBLE

- i love collecting TAZ,BUTTERFLY & PURPLE

- i love listening to music and to the "ok show"

- m a frustrated singer and artist =(

- m a "retired" dancer..haha!

- my MOOD changes so fast..for short, m a MOODY

- i "used" to be a COMPUTER (online games)ADDICT.
if may mga times 2 or 4 sa experience..expect
na ala ako sa class kundi nasa urban nagpapa-
level..hehe! pero ngaun..studious type na "daw"
ako eh..char!

- m a MOVIE addict

- if depress ako...halo2x, shopping and nail
polish ang katapat..hehe. of corz, with the
company of my friends (rezie)

- i love to eat and eat and eat (i got sweet

- i love surprises but don't want to be

- m fond of putting stuffs under my pillow..hehe!
ala lng...

- i cry even if its the funniest movie on earth..
(sum1 can testify to that..)

- my close frends are scared for their lives
everytime i shut my mouth (deadly daw ang takbo
ng utak q..haha..slyt lng)

- im a VERY GOOD friend but watch out coz i cud
also be ur WORST ENEMY.
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