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31+    Fukuoka

About Me:

Everything nice...haha:D

Name:Mirai wanni
Nickname: Mimi ,Rai-Kun
Age: 16(current)
Birthday: 020193
Zodiac: Capricon
Birthplace: Fukuoka
Blood type: ABCO???
Height: 158.5cm
Weight: 40kg
Charming point: Pair of eye, lips

Fav. Food: Strawberry and Eggplant
Fav. Subject: Everything except Math, Social Studies
Fav. Phrase: Don't give up!
Fav. No. : 4
Fav. Color: White, Blue
Fav. Sport: Soccer(a bit), Tennis
Fav. Suubject: PE

Speciality: Gymnastics
Weak point: Scare of ghosts, bugs
Hobbies: Cooking, fishing
Dream: To be a person only LOVE by u
Bored, Chilly or Horny ???
Relation: In a Relationship
Mobile Operator: NTT Docomo
Phone Model: SH905i
Occupation: Student, ladyboss
Hate: Myself
Fav. Celebrity: 
Skinner Since: 16 years ago
Last Login: 13 years ago

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